I chose to analysis this music video because it follows a clear narrative that fits with the lyrics and you can understand it. It also includes theories and is an example of a music video that follows a narrative and also includes a performance from the singer, there is no abstract in this music video. This is a popular convention in music videos because it gives the audience the familiarity of a story they can relate to but also an aspect of performance.
Tim O’Sullivan: The video goes along with the argument that it has follows a kind of story, that is understood because it is similar to real life, not exactly the same as a personal experience, but the narrative of this story does follow the conventions. The Diegesis of the video is set in a real place which is similar to real life so relatable and creates verisimilitude. This further develops the understanding of the audience because it appears real as it's being watched. The protagonist in the video is using her facial expressions in close up shots to helps deepen the understanding.
- The use of flashbacks in the narrative going back to a different times helps create understanding, again by telling a story which realistic.
Kate Domaille: The music video fits within one of the 8 original narrative types, in this the singer is showing that she is still in love/has feelings for someone she used to be with. Him and his new partner have come round to the house and she is having memories of their time together, i believe this shows evidence that it is based around one of the original narratives; Tristan and Iseult which is about a love triangle. In this video she still loves him, but he is now 'spoken for' by being in a relationship with another woman.
Tzvetan Todorov (1977)
• Stage 1: A point of stable equilibrium, where
everything is satisfied, calm and normal.
At the start of the video, everything is alright and we just see people we think are friends visiting her house. Everybody appears happy and calm with the situation.
• Stage 2: This stability is disrupted by some kind of
force, which creates a state of disequilibrium.
The main character and the man start begin to show a tension, when they knock arms with each other and also when he accidentally walks into her.
• Stage 3: Recognition that a disruption has taken
The two characters look at each other, the things also cause her to get flashbacks of their time together, we then realize that they used to be a couple. It is after the tension between them is recognised
• Stage 4: It is only possible to re-create equilibrium
through action directed against the disruption.
Gwen the main character in the narrative is acting against the tension by being overly friendly and also trying to get on with the other woman. She is acting against wanting to talk to the man and be like old times, so diffuses the situation by engaging in group chat.
• Stage 5: Restoration of a new state of equilibrium.
The consequences of the reaction is to change the
world of the narrative and/or the characters so that
the final state of equilibrium in not the same as the
initial state.
All the characters appear to be getting on, outside the house and the songs lyrics are reflecting this 'I know we're cool' she's acknowledging that theyre no longer going out but are now okay with each other. She has accepted the new lady.
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