The things I could access because of using my mac where:
- Messages (this was useful for linking my laptop and my phone together, when messaging my actors about arranging things. It meant I could get iMessage and my texts whilst using my laptop!)
- Calendar (perfect for planning different schedules for filming, it meant I could put reminders on deadlines and then keep up to date with them)
- iTunes (iTunes is where I got access to the song im using in the video for my project, I already had the album, but if I didn't I could have bought any new songs I needed. Itunes linked to the software I created my music video on.
- iPhoto (I uploaded images onto my laptop from cameras and the SD cards I used to save pictures on
- Final Cut Pro (This is a major contributor to how I made my final product. My friend Alice helped me to upload the software onto my laptop so I could create a music video using professional software, that worked well with my brand of computer)
- iMovie ( I practised some ways of editing to the beat on this, before I got access to Final Cut Pro and as i'd not edited videos before, it was quiet useful to get a feel of what to do)
Here are some pictures of my laptop and the icons of a couple of the technologies I used!
There are some other technologies that I have used that are not specific to my laptop:
- Microsoft Office - Word and Powerpoint (I created different posts on powerpoints and saved the slides as a J.peg
- Photoshop - C6 - My ancillary texts were made on photoshop, I downloaded a trail and use it without the internet, so that I can use photoshop at home because I couldn't afford to buy the software. Luckily I had access to it in college, so could make progress at home then bring my products in on my memory stick and do work at college.
Below I have gone through the media technologies I have used, I have decided to talk about each area individually. The types of media technology I have split these into include the hardware I used such as my macbook, sd cards,headphones,iphone, the college camera and tripod and also the chargers for these. My next set of videos are on the web-based media technology I have used which include the websites I found really useful throughout the stages of my blog, these include 'Skrib' ,google, , dafont and many more. Next my vidoes show the software media technologies, these are all the programs that are downloaded onto the computer I have used and include powerpoint and word, final cut pro, photoshop and iMessage. I have done a separate section of video for the social media used because it has impacted in it's own way on the work I have done on my blog + they are all websites/social media sites that I can take around with me on my mobile phone :
video 2 (youtube,blogger,Prezi)
Hardware Videos:
video 1(mac book air, bluetooth wireless speaker, hard drive, memory stick, phone cable and headphones)
Web-Based media technologies:
video 1 (Google,Skribd,,Dafont,Spotify)
video 2 (youtube,blogger,Prezi)
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